Currency pair
GT supports portfolios, accounts, instruments and transactions in different currencies. Therefore, the currency pair is essential for GT. GT attempts to treat fiat currencies and certain cryptocurrencies in the same way.
- A currency pair can be generated by the system. A currency pair is created in the background if it does not already exist, for example if you create an account with a currency that differs from the portfolio currency.
- The standard currency connectors can be found in the “Global settings”.
- A currency pair can be created manually.
- Supported cryptocurrencies are BTC, BNB, ETH, ETC, LTC, XRP. It should be noted that cryptocurrency data sources only provide intraday or historical price data for the most important world currencies such as USD, EUR, JPY, GBP and CHF.
- A currency pair cannot be traded; a corresponding security or derived instrument must be available for trading. This is based on an asset class with Forex as the financial instrument.
Unfortunately only in German: