Watchlist and instruments
A watchlist is a personal compilation of instruments with price development and further details. In GT the watchlist is a central element. The following functions are accessible via the watchlist:
- Create and delete instruments: Instruments can only be created via a watchlist.
- Adding existing instruments: Existing instruments can be added to the watchlist. There is a limit to the number of instruments in a watchlist.
- Transaction on security: The recording of the first purchase transaction of a specific instrument must necessarily be done via a watchlist. Subsequent transactions such as a new purchase, dividend or sale can also be made via the security account.
- Intraday quotes update of the instruments: Only through the watchlist can the user actively cause an update of the Intraday quotes. There is a system setting for the time interval before a new update of the rates takes place. The update is done automatically with the selection of the corresponding watchlist in the navigation area. The watchlist itself is private data, but its content is based on shared data.
- Monitoring external data sources: Monitoring of historical and intraday price data and the resulting necessary actions.
The relationships are shown in the following simplified class diagram:
classDiagram Watchlist "*" o-- "*" Instrument Instrument <|-- Currency_par Instrument <|-- Security Security "1" *-- "*" Historical_price_data : has Security "*" ..> "1" Stock_exchange : has Security "*" ..> "1" Asset_class : has Security "1" *-- "*" Splits Security "1" *-- "*" Dividend Historical_price_data <|-- Calculated Historical_price_data <|-- Period_historical_price Historical_price_data <|-- EOD_Price Currency_par "1" ..> "*" EOD_Price : has Calculated o-- EOD_Price class Instrument{ timestamp: time high: double low: double last: double }Video Watchlist Part 1. Unfortunately only in German: