EOD as line chart

In GT, the end-of-day prices can be displayed as a line graph of an instrument in the additional area as a chart. This allows the performance of the prices from a selectable date of an instrument to be read off. The functionality offered differs slightly with regard to the security including the derived security and the currency pair.


The line graph is based on the historical price data plus the last intraday price if available.


Price chart or performance chart

As mentioned in the glossary, a distinction must be made between ETFs or funds that distribute or reinvest dividends and between price and performance indices. There is a similar difference between shares with or without dividends.

GT offers a selectable currency for the problem of different currencies of instruments. However, the daily closing prices are used in the chart, which may or may not include the returns, depending on the instrument. Therefore, the user should always be aware of whether distributing or accumulating ETFs or price or performance indices are being compared in this chart.

GT and this problem

With this version, GT does not have the appropriate qualitative data sources to accurately calculate the performance of an instrument. An implementation will be considered as soon as the returns can be reliably obtained from the data sources.

Activating this view

The line chart in the additional area can be activated from different views of the main area. In practice, it is probably mostly used by the watchlist functionality. However, there are also other views in GT with one instrument per table row, where the following functionality is offered via the context menu.

  • End of day data as line graph: Creates a new line chart with the selected instrument.
  • Add as line graph: The selected instrument is added to the existing line chart. This allows you to compare the performance of different instruments.

Transactions in the line chart

When mapping transactions, a distinction is made between a security or derived security and a currency pair.

  • Security and derived security: Transactions such as buy, sell and interest/dividend are shown as dots of the same size in the line chart.
  • Currency pair: The diameter of the dot is a reflection of the total amount of the transaction. In addition, the transaction of the reciprocal currency pair is also shown. For example, the line chart of the EUR/USD currency pair also contains the transactions of the USD/EUR currency pair. The size of the dot is standardized as soon as the selection box Percent is marked and/or several instruments or currency pairs are displayed. Securities transactions with the currency pair involved are transformed accordingly into buys or sells of the currency in question.


For an individual instrument, the position can be viewed over the selected period. The scaling of the Y-axis of the position is shown on the right-hand side. On the left-hand side, as always, is the scaling of the data series of the rates with the price or the percentage. Of course, negative stocks can also be displayed. The stock display can be switched on or off in the header of the chart.


In general, a chart has a certain basic functionality that is not described further here. In addition, this chart has an interactive header and a context menu for rudimentary technical analysis.

Interactions in the header

This chart offers additional interaction options in the header:

  • Date from: The price data is displayed from this date. There are buttons for different time periods for quick adjustment.
  • Percent: As soon as two or more instruments are displayed as a line chart, it only makes sense to display the chart with absolute values in a few cases. This is why there is this checkbox, which is automatically selected if the “Add as line graph” function is executed for the first time. The system does not override the state of this checkbox set by the user. The percentage display of the different instruments from a certain date allows a better comparison of the exchange rate changes.
  • Connect gaps: If this checkbox is selected, the existing course data is connected with a line. If the checkbox is not selected, the possible gaps in missing price data are displayed. Missing price data is determined using the trading calendar of the corresponding instrument.
  • Currency: GT supports instruments in different currencies. The currency must therefore be taken into account when comparing the performance of instruments. Based on the client’s currency, any currency of the displayed instruments can be selected. The choice of currency has no effect on the line graph of the currency pairs.
Currencies and non-existent currency pairs

Currency pairs are required for the currency function to work. If a required currency pair is not available to the system, it will be created by the system and the historical exchange rate data will be downloaded directly. This may delay the creation of the line chart by a few seconds.

Context menu for technical indicators

GT currently only supports the simple and exponential moving average. These can be activated and deactivated via the context menu. In addition, the periods can be set in a dialog.


GT will not be a tool for technical analysis, but some technical indicators will be implemented in the future.

End-of-day prices as line graph in practice

Unfortunately only in German: