Portfolios and Portfolio
The two evaluations Portfolios and Portfolio are very similar. They are therefore documented together. A cut-off date for the day of the evaluation can be set for both evaluations.
The Portfolios evaluation provides an overview of the total sum of all portfolios. The two groupings Currency grouped and Portfolio grouped are supported. If there is no account for a currency, the corresponding currency is not assigned to an account.
The evaluation is carried out according to the accounts or the currency.
Portfolios function
There is only the selection of grouping.
Portfolio function
It is only possible to enter an account transaction here. The following functionality is also available:
- The account is processed here.
- The transactions of the corresponding account are displayed in the expanding table row. These can be edited, see Transaction.
Table columns
Only the non-self-explanatory columns are described:
- Currency gain main currency: The currency gain is calculated as if the transaction had taken place in the main currency and not in the foreign currency.
- With an account transfer in a foreign currency, currency gains or losses are accrued from the transaction time.
- Gain on securities in main currency: The gain on securities is calculated by adding the price gain and dividends. Taxes and trading costs are deducted accordingly.
- Gain on securities: The hypothetical gain that is and was realized on the securities, i.e. if all securities were sold on the reference date. This amount includes the income from interest and dividends as well as the expenses of the recognized transaction and tax costs.
The values Securities and Cash balance result in the total in the corresponding portfolio currency.
The values External cash deposit/withdrawal - Account transaction costs - Account and custody account costs + Account interest + Currency gain must also result in the total in the corresponding portfolio currency.