Base Data - Data change request

Base data

Base data is shared data that is used and modified by the user of a GT instance.

Static main element “Base data”

The function Data change request is implemented on the static main element Base data in the navigation area. Although the entities are shared by certain information classes, they cannot be changed at will by every user.

Data change request

The interaction of shared data, the owner of an entity and user rights can lead to you creating or receiving a data change request.

  • Users in the Limits or without Limits group create a data change request if they edit and save a shared entity. You receive a data change request if someone in the Limits or without limits group wants to change one of the shared entities they have created.
  • A user with privileged or administrative user rights never creates a data change request. However, they will receive all data change requests, even if the entity in question was originally created by another user.

In the following video we see this in a practical example: Unfortunately only in German:

Restrictions on data change requests

Certain data change requests are not supported for certain entities.

Derived instrument

No data change request can be made for the price calculation formula.